PRN+ Action Plan
The basis for the operation of the Network is the PRN+ action plan for 2023-2027, which is implemented on the basis of annual operational plans.
The PRN+ action plan sets out:
- the objectives and activities of the Network
- the institutional structure and tasks of individual network support units
- the role of the Network's partners and ways of involving them in the activities of the Network
- the scope and mode of preparing reports on the implementation of activities
Aims of the Polish Rural Network +
- Increasing the involvement of all stakeholders in the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan and, where appropriate, in its development
- Supporting the administration of the Member State in the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan and the transition to a model based on the implementation of objectives
- Contributing to the improvement of the quality of activities serving the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan
- Informing the general public and potential beneficiaries about the CAP and funding opportunities
- Encouraging innovation in agriculture and rural development, fostering mutual learning, involving all stakeholders in knowledge sharing and development processes, and fostering interaction between such parties
- Contributing to capacity building and monitoring and evaluation activities
- Dissemination of CAP Strategic Plan result
1. Collecting, analyzing and disseminating information on measures and good practices implemented or supported under the CAP Strategic Plan – the task serves the:
- dissemination of effective solutions supporting agriculture and rural areas among potential beneficiaries and beneficiaries of the CAP PS
- collection of information, organization of research and conducting of analysis on changes in the situation in agriculture and in rural areas, as well as the dissemination of the results of research, analyses or expert opinions to support the implementation of CAP Strategic Plan objectives
2. Developing the competences of the administration and other entities involved in the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan – the task supports:
- developing the competences of representatives of institutions participating in the preparation, management, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and promotion of the CAP Strategic Plan
- the development of tools supporting monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan, research methods in this area and cooperation of the Network's support units with research institutes and entities in the field of research and evaluation
- supporting the management and implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan through the development of expert opinions, studies and analyses
3. Exchange of experiences and mutual learning of stakeholders – the task serves:
- support for the exchange of knowledge and experience between interested parties, i.e. beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries of the CAP as well as entities and institutions working for the development of agriculture and rural areas
- building cooperation and exchanging knowledge and experience with networks of EU Member States and third countries
4. Supporting cooperation and networking between EIP and LAG Operational Groups or similar structures – the task supports:
- establishing contacts between individual EIP operational groups, individual local action groups or similar local structures, as well as activating cooperation at the international level;
- collecting and disseminating information about local action groups, EIP operational groups, as well as projects implemented by them, and improving the skills of members of local action groups and EIP operational groups.
5. Developing links with other strategies or networks financed by the European Union – the task supports the building of links between the CAP and other strategies, programmes and networks financed by the European Union that are important for the development of agriculture and improving the quality of life of inhabitants of rural areas and small towns
6. Contribution to the further development of the CAP – the task serves to prepare the CAP Strategic Plan for the new programming period 2028-2035 and to develop the CAP in the future through undertakings i.a. aimed at evaluating progress in achieving objectives and indicators, analyses, audits and studies on the basis of which conclusions can be drawn regarding the quality and state of implementation of the CAP Strategic Plan.
7. Participation in the activities of the European CAP Network – the task is aimed at building cooperation with the European CAP Network and Member States' networks, which is to support the creation of agricultural and rural development policy at the European level and the dissemination of developed solutions and good practices
8. Information and promotion of the CAP Strategic Plan – the task serves to disseminate information about the CAP Strategic Plan by informing the general public and potential beneficiaries about the opportunities offered by the Plan, including access to funds and financing rules, and ensuring proper visualization of operations co-financed from the CAP.