Polish Rural Network+

The Polish Rural Network + (PRN+) is a partnership network for information exchange and cooperation between public and private organizations. It aims to bring together representatives of the agricultural sector, agricultural advisors, scientists, entities involved in the implementation of innovations and other entities working for the development of agriculture.
Polish Innovation Network

The Polish Innovation Network is a thematic network supporting the implementation of innovative solutions in agriculture, forestry, food industry and rural areas. The Network started in 2015 under the Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020. From the outset it has been coordinated by the Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinów (CDR) and its work is carried out through cooperation with the 16 regional agricultural advisory centres that make up the public advisory system in Poland.
Network of Demonstration Farms

The Polish Network of Demonstration Farms (SGD) is a thematic network of the PRN+. Its main objective is to strengthen the transfer of knowledge between practitioners and researchers and to facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practices at the level of a farm and its agricultural production. The Network is the result of the cooperation between the 16 voivodship agricultural advisory centres and is coordinated by the Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinów (CDR).

Check out the Network's most interesting events — conferences, meetings, workshops aimed at farmers, rural residents, scientists, advisors, EIP operational groups and others interested in agricultural and rural development.

Check out the Network’s publications and films focused on rural development and agriculture, including innovative solutions elaborated and implemented into agricultural practice under the Rural Development Programme 2014-2020 and the CAP Strategic Plan 2023-2027.

LEADER is an approach within EU rural development policy. It enables rural residents to actively participate in decision-making and actions to improve their quality of life with the local community playing a central role in the process. LEADER includes local action groups (LAGs) which bring together representatives from local public, private, and non-governmental organizations, along with residents, all collaborating to benefit the local community in rural areas.